Auditory and Visual Hallucinations Are Also a Sign of AWS, if You Were an Alcoholic and Have Quit


The symptoms that occur when a heavy drinker abruptly stops drinking or significantly reduces their consumption of alcohol are known as alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS). You may experience mild anxiety, fatigue, and nausea as well as a combination of physical and emotional symptoms when you have AWS. As severe as hallucinations and seizures, some AWS symptoms are that AWS can be life-threatening at its worst. Let’s look further into what are the signs of withdrawal of alcohol. Continue reading to find out more about the same.

AWS Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of AWS can start as little as six hours after your last drink and last for several days. Alcohol Withdrawal: Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome consists of the following or any two of the following –

  • Tremors, Anxiety, Nausea, Vomiting,
  • Headache, Fast Heart Rate, Sweating,
  • Irritability, Confusion, Insomnia,
  • Nightmares, And High Blood Pressure

These are all symptoms that can get worse over a period of two to three days. In some cases, milder symptoms can last for weeks. When you wake up with less alcohol in your blood, they might be more obvious.

  • Delirium tremens (DT) is the withdrawal syndrome with the highest severity.

Among its signs and symptoms are:

  • Extreme Confusion,
  • Agitation,
  • Fever,
  • Seizures, And
  • Tactile Hallucinations

These are all signs of AWS:

  • Auditory hallucinations, in which you hear sounds that don’t exist.
  • Visual hallucinations, in which you see images that don’t exist.

If you experience severe AWS symptoms, you should seek medical attention right away. Go to the ER or call for assistance. Heart problems, hallucinations, and a high fever are all signs that you need help right away.

AWS Causes and More

The nervous system is agitated and excited by excessive drinking. Your body will eventually develop an alcohol dependence if you drink every day. Your central nervous system will no longer be able to easily adjust to the lack of alcohol when this happens. AWS can occur if you suddenly stop drinking or significantly reduce your alcohol intake.

AWS Affects Which Kind of People

AWS is very likely to happen to people who are addicted to alcohol or who drink a lot on a regular basis but can’t gradually cut back. Adults are more likely to experience AWS, but children and adolescents who drink too much may also experience the symptoms. If you have previously experienced withdrawal symptoms or required medical detox for a drinking problem, you are also at risk for AWS.

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