3 weeks of travel in Japan: my first solo trip


Last year, I was looking for a destination in Asia to make my first trip alone. After several thoughts, I finally chose to do a three-wee trip to Japan and I had no regrets. I fell in love with this country for its culture, its food and its people.

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I had a small travel budget, but I still managed to travel from one end of the country to the other without restricting myself too much, starting with Tokyo and then going to Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima and I pass. In short, it is possible to visit Japan with any type of budget and for my part, I would go back without hesitation!

⇒ To read also :  What to do in Japan and visit in 4 weeks: Travel to Japan in 8 essential regions

Visit Japan in our article Visit Japan: My tips and tricks for a successful trip to Japan #japan #asia #travelMy trip to Japan for 3 weeks

Preparing for a trip to Japan: My tips and tricks

To prepare myself, I did a lot of research by reading guides, like the famous Lonely Planet, or by searching the internet. So I had several tips in mind before leaving and I acquired some little tips that I share with you here. They were very useful for visiting Japan throughout my stay , whether in terms of budget, travel, etc. Hope this helps you a bit too!

⇒ To read also : Where to go alone as a woman?

If you need help planning and carrying out your trip, but want a personalized and authentic trip to Japan , contact Loïc, the local expert at Evaneos.

You can exchange directly with him via your customer area and even  call him in Japan  with a free number! You can request a free quote here.

LVDQ suggestion: To dream a little of Japan, we invite you to listen online in the comfort of your home, for only $7.99 on the Aventuriers voyageurs website, the magnificent Japanese-inspired film: from sumos to robots .

film about Japan by the Aventuriers VoyageursHere is the description:Often forgotten by Canadian tourists who often think it is too expensive or too far away, Japan nevertheless offers the best of travel, a very comfortable but always exotic country. A remote archipelago, Japan has forged its own identity. This film, all in contrast, offers you an itinerary combining tradition and modernity, urban planning and tranquillity. It is possible to discover traditional Japan there with the superb Buddhist temples and Zen gardens of Kyoto, Nara and Myajima, stays in ryokan (typical inns) and performances of traditional Japanese art, such as geisha dancing. You will also be confronted with its more modern history with the resilient Hiroshima. The contrasts continue on a stroll through Tokyo,

one of the most fascinating metropolises on earth where it is possible to attend a sumo tournament one day and a spectacle of dancing robots the next. Finally, the landscapes also reflect this difference as the snow-capped Japanese Alps and amazing winter festivals follow the volcanic coastline of the Izu Peninsula and the beaches of Naoshima Island. This film is the story of an encounter with a surprising culture which, despite its reserved and efficient appearance, always has a surprise and an extraordinary experience in store for us!

the landscapes also reflect this difference as the snow-capped Japanese Alps and amazing winter festivals follow the volcanic coastline of the Izu Peninsula and the beaches of Naoshima Island. This film is the story of an encounter with a surprising culture which, despite its reserved and efficient appearance, always has a surprise and an extraordinary experience in store for us! the landscapes also reflect this difference as the snow-capped Japanese Alps and amazing winter festivals follow the volcanic coastline of the Izu Peninsula and the beaches of Naoshima Island. This film is the story of an encounter with a surprising culture which, despite its reserved and efficient appearance, always has a surprise and an extraordinary experience in store for us!

Visit Japan with the Japan Rail Pass

This pass is multi-use for transportation within Japan. It is mainly used to travel with the famous high-speed trains (TGV) that the Japanese call Shinkansen. It can also be used for some local transport, such as the JR Loop in Tokyo or the one in Osaka. These TGVs cross the country from one end to the other at lightning speed and they are an excellent alternative to the plane or the bus in terms of quality and price.

Traveling by TGV to visit Japan by train in our article Visit Japan: My tips and tricks for a successful trip to Japan #japan #asie #voyage #trainHigh-speed trains are a good way to visit Japan

It’s a must-have experience if you’re planning a long trip to Japan , and well worth buying if you decide to visit the entire country. The cost may seem high, but a single trip from Tokyo to Kyoto could cost you around $150. It’s up to you to see and calculate what is worth it. For my part, I had no regrets to get it and I avoided the headaches to calculate how much each trip would cost me.

The Japan Rail Pass to visit Japan by train in our article Visit Japan: My tips and tricks for a successful trip to Japan #japan #asia #travel #trainThe Japan Rail Pass to visit Japan by train

How to order the Japan Rail Pass to visit Japan: the steps to follow

Before leaving, you will need to order your pass to receive it at home. You will receive a voucher that you can redeem at a JR counter. The price is much cheaper online: you can order it right here.

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