What should you check before buying CBD oil for pets?


Hemp-derived CBD is now legal in India and with that, we see an upward growth in the CBD industry. Considering the amount of benefits CBD has, many pet owners have also started giving CBD to their pets. Hempstrol is one such brand that has a separate line of pet CBD oil which assures pet parents that their pets receive the utmost care from the product they are consuming. Given the fact that our market is flooded with CBD oil for pets, it is important to know the pointers you should be looking at before buying CBD oil.

#1 – Never buy CBD oil without first understanding the Certificate of Analysis (COA): A certificate of analysis (COA) contains the results of your CBD oil’s laboratory testing. The certificate should ideally show high levels of CBD and no THC. If you can’t find a certificate of analysis (COA) on the website of the brand you are considering buying from, request from them. Genuine CBD oil companies will have nothing to conceal and will show you their COA.

#2:  Select a product that contains zero THC: While all CBD-based products derived from hemp should have low THC (less than.3%), it is important to choose a CBD oil for pets with only 0.3% or less as higher quantities of it can cause issues with your pet body. You should understand that dogs react to THC quite differently than humans, and while less than.3% would never make a human “high,” higher levels of THC can have severe consequences on small animals.

#3:  Only buy organic hemp products: Many of us are already aware that buying organic is more important for certain types of plants. Because hemp has the unique ability to draw toxins from the soil, buy cbd oil for pets online and making sure it is an organic product is critical to ensure your pet only gets the best. If a product is not organic, simply avoid it and look for other alternatives.

#4: A low price could be a red flag: If the price of CBD oil is much lower than others, it is likely that the company is sacrificing quality or the amount of CBD is very low.

#5:  Stay away from products that label themselves as “Hemp Oil”: Many manufacturers avoid laws by not including the phrase “CBD” on their product label, instead referring to it as “hemp oil.” DO NOT BUY a hemp product if you cannot verify the quantity of CBD in it. Also, keep in mind that “Hemp Oil with CBD” and “Hemp Seed Oil” are not the same thing. Hemp seed oil is also healthy for your pets but it does not contain enough CBD to be helpful.

#6: Select Full-Spectrum instead of Isolate: You may hear the terms “full-spectrum CBD oil” or “CBD isolate” when you are searching for the product you should buy. A full-spectrum product contains all of the cannabinoids and terpenes found naturally in hemp, whereas a CBD isolate product just contains CBD. Many people feel that the whole plant or full spectrum provides an “entourage effect,” in which your dog benefits from a more diverse range of phytochemicals available in hemp.

So we are saying,

If you’re interested in health supplements for pets, you’ve probably heard about the growing popularity of CBD oil for pets. With its popularity, though, comes a slew of low-quality CBD-based products. The aforementioned pointers will help you select a product that will have a positive influence on your dog and pet’s health.

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