Top Mistakes of Instagram Profile and uses of social media


The world has gone chromatic, and Instagram is the most imperative social network with 150 million users. If you are new to it then you need to avoid making these mistakes: It’s important to make sure you are not making the below mentioned most common mistakes with your Instagram profile and uses of social media. if you want to popularize your brand seriously.

 Incomplete Bio

A bio defines every single thing about your brand and tells users where you stand for. Nonexistence bio totally makes it extremely unprofessional. In that situation, people always question that who are you? What do you stand for? What exactly are your offerings? The best solution and use of social media for this issue are to properly describe the mission/philosophy of your products. Also, tell the user that why you are on Instagram. It is really easy to complete the bio with a link to your website.

Misuse of hashtag

Are you new to Instagram? Then it’s possible that you will misuse the hashtags on Instagram which doesn’t make any sense. If you are one of those people who do not the basic hashtags function, then you should remember many things. First of all, you have to use the hashtags during the process of discovery.  Second, always use the hashtags wisely. According to the research, if you use the hashtags properly, then you will get 80% more interaction, as compared to the usage of the inopportune hashtags. Third, always use the relevant hashtags because irrelevant things always confuse the users. It is one of the best uses of social media.

Certainly not caption;

Are you interested that your followers understand your product properly? Then you have to publish the story with the caption. The caption will help your followers to understand more about your brand for improved engagement. Try to write a caption with a call to action. You can also add a question in order to engage more fans.

No engagement

If you are one of those people who think that Instagram is all about posting pictures then you are totally wrong. Apart from posting pictures, you have too little more to involve your followers. The more fans will interact with you, the more they feel a personal connection with the brand. Today marketing revolves around building relationships. For better engagement, you have to put out the relevant posts, follow the relevant audience, read the follower’s minds so you will get to know that what they are up to.

Balanced posting;

Are you in the favor of doing multiple updates in a short time frame then I’m sure that you will over post? If you are used to posting once a week, then you’re under posting. The main goal is to recall your brand to your targeted customers on Instagram. Over posting means you are spamming them and under posting means you forget the followers totally. In that situation, the best solution is the balanced posting. You just need to put out 2-3 posts a day to get noticed.

Pictures Quality;

A quality image says a lot about your brand. Putting up with blur pictures always looks unprofessional and no one wants to see that cluttered images. The best solution and use of social media is to ensure that good quality images go up on your Instagram profile.

Different IP addresses and Devices

There are many people who are used to log into your account from multiple devices. If you are one of them, then stop doing it for the reason that you have to confirm your identity via SMS, and the chances are that they will ban you. However, this activity verifies you as scammers. Instagram is one of those social networks that reacts to these activates instantly and blocks your profile for safety.

It is important to learn how to use Instagram correctly. I hope that this article would help you to learn how not to make the major mistakes that make your Instagram Profile Look Dumb. Luxury catalogs would help in building customers’ attention and strengthen the brands. One can Order the luxury catalogs with low minimums, best prices, and fast turnaround. So, Companies are offering affordable customize catalogs wholesale in any custom size and color of your liking along with Free Shipping and Free design printed support. More info to visit:

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